Wrongfully Dead An Afterlife Adventures Novel, #9


Wrongfully Dead An Afterlife Adventures Novel, #9


1,300 円 (税抜き)

Not so newly dead Bridget Sway is making a difference. Sort of. She and her best friend, Sabrina, are solving murders all over the show while minding their own business. And then Detective Johnson shows up at their office and drops a missing person's case in their lap. Although deeply suspicious of his motives, they decide it would be wise to at least give it a cursory investigation. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. And that's when things get messy. With Oz is keeping secrets, little to no information to go on and practically no suspects, can Bridget and Sabrina solve their case and stay on the right side of the law for once? Afterlife Adventures Series: #1 Beyond Dead #2 Dead and Buried #3 A Little More Dead #4 Still Dead #5 Utterly Dead #6 Dead Completely #7 Unexpectedly Dead #8 Dead Investigations #9 Wrongfully Dead #10 Dead Confused #11 Finally Dead #12 Dead Conclusion In the same universe: An Aurora North Expos?: #1 The NOT Vampire Murders #2 The NOT Ghostly Murders #3 The NOT Witchy Murders #4 The NOT Cursed Murders画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
Forewarned Completely suspicious >Afterlife Murders