Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II Advanced Methods


Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II Advanced Methods


7,071 円 (税抜き)

Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume II: Advanced Methods demonstrates advanced quantitative techniques for language assessment. The volume takes an interdisciplinary approach and taps into expertise from language assessment, data mining, and psychometrics. The techniques covered include Structural Equation Modeling, Data Mining, Multidimensional Psychometrics and Multilevel Data Analysis.Volume II is distinct among available books in language assessment, as it engages the readers in both theory and application of the methods and introduces relevant techniques for theory construction and validation. This book is highly recommended to graduate students and researchers who are searching for innovative and rigorous approaches and methods to achieve excellence in their dissertations and research. It is also a valuable source for academics who teach quantitative approaches in language assessment and data analysis courses.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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psychometrics expertise Assessment interdisciplinary distinct