Multiple Choice Questions in Anatomy and Neurobiology for Undergraduates


Multiple Choice Questions in Anatomy and Neurobiology for Undergraduates


7,213 円 (税抜き)

Multiple Choice Questions in Anatomy and Neurobiology for Undergraduates is a collection of multiple choice questions in anatomy and neurobiology for undergraduate students. Questions are grouped for each visceral system and the nervous system. In the case of the body framework (including peripheral nerves and blood vessels), however, a regional grouping is used. Each question has the corresponding correct answer. This book is comprised of eight chapters covering the upper limb, head and neck, musculoskeletal trunk, lower limb, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal and genito-urinary systems, and neurobiology. Each chapter contains three types of questions designed to test knowledge in different ways. Type A items involve choosing a single correct answer from five available choices. Type L items are used to elicit information on the cause-effect relationship between sets of data. Type E items call for the perception of one or more correct responses among four alternatives, and the responses may be grouped in five different ways. Most questions are also accompanied by an indication of the percentage of students who obtained the correct answer on occasions of previous settings and by a biserial correlation coefficient (r biserial), indicative of the capacity of the question to distinguish between more able and less able students. This monograph is primarily intended for medical undergraduates and will also be useful to academic anatomists building up their own question banks.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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-effect respiratory building genito correlation