The Crucible of Silence: My Journey to Prosecute My Husband for Sexually Abusing Our Daughter


The Crucible of Silence: My Journey to Prosecute My Husband for Sexually Abusing Our Daughter


1,286 円 (税抜き)

The Crucible of Silence by Suzanne Milliesdottir takes the mask off the deeply disguised familial child sexual abuser. The face that is revealed is one of a person who lives a normal, law-abiding life and a secret one ー much like the author’s college professor ex-husband. Milliesdottir describes both her practical and emotional journeys that followed her daughter’s disclosure that she had been sexually abused by her father. Most people underestimate ー if not entirely miss ー that the mother is a secondary crime victim. The author’s compelling story, told from a mother’s unique perspective, serves as a prism through which the hidden human story buried in a single case statistic may be viewed and understood. This is the fuller story that emerges from the silence to speak to a variety of readers: ?The mother of the child-victim is either vilified or forgotten during the trauma’s bewildering aftermath. Other mother-survivors of this crime will discover both a connection to their own grief and anger and coping strategies for use in their discovery-to-recovery process. ?The author provides psychological clinicians with an inside look at the fuller family dynamic that occurs within the often overlooked moderate-to-higher-income demographic of familial child sexual abuse cases. ?Parents everywhere will benefit from the resource information that is available on how to talk to their children about appropriate and inappropriate touching of their bodies by any adult ー not just by strangers. ?The Crucible of Silence will enlighten the general public through one mother’s personal account and the facts and information drawn from clinical researchers and subject matter experts. Together, the knowledge can help start a much-needed dialogue with others about this hidden family crime.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
daughter coping matter silence benefit