風呂敷 二巾浮世絵ちりめん友禅 furoshiki japan gift wrapping cloth 和柄 浮世絵 sharaku ukiyoe nippon nihon wa 日本 japanese

お土産にも最適!風呂敷 二巾浮世絵ちりめん友禅【送料無料】風呂敷 japan furoshiki gift wrapping cloth 写楽 ビードロ 富士 波裏に富士 赤富士 ちりめん プレゼント

風呂敷 二巾浮世絵ちりめん友禅  furoshiki japan gift wrapping cloth 和柄 浮世絵 sharaku ukiyoe nippon nihon wa 日本 japanese


2,323 円 (税抜き)

二巾浮世絵ちりめん友禅風呂敷です。 サイズは約68cm、素材はレーヨン 100%。 京都らしいちりめんとレーヨンの光沢が高級感を醸し出しています。 渋い和柄がおしゃれで、女性だけでなく男性にもお勧め。 安心の日本製で、お土産にも大人気です!
※ギフト用ラッピングをご希望の方へ ギフト用ラッピングをご希望の場合追加料金300円(税別)にて承りますので、お買い物かごステップ内にてラッピングの選択をお願いします。 ラッピングイメージ: 風呂敷〜What is Furoshiki? “Furoshiki” are square shaped cloths used in Japan to wrap items and carry them. Although it is hard to know exactly when furoshiki became part of Japanese culture, they have been around as long as anyone can remember. These days, people have many options to choose from: furoshiki come in casual patterns, traditional patterns or plain with different textures. Being made of cloth, furoshiki can be stored easily, are very light and can wrap many different kinds of shapes. For those reasons, furoshiki are convenient for day-to-day needs and even in emergency situations. They can be used to wrap several small goods together or wrap one bulky item, like a wine bottle or a large sake (rice wine) bottle. In addition to these advantages, furoshiki can just be washed like other cloths when they get dirty. Since younger generations of Japanese realized that furoshiki are also environmentally friendly, they became even more popular. ギフト用ラッピングをご希望の場合追加料金200円にて承りますので、チェックボックスに チェックをお願いします。 ラッピングイメージは こちら


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