ジェイソン・ヨーマスターアーティストセット(ミックスイットアップ) 6色 5mlチューブ セット 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


ジェイソン・ヨーマスターアーティストセット(ミックスイットアップ) 6色 5mlチューブ セット 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


4,560 円 (税抜き)

DANIEL SMITH Jayson Yeoh's Master Artist Set Mix It Up SKU: 285610454 DANIEL SMITH Brand Ambassador Jayson Yeoh has developed two new Master Artist Sets that are perfect for your mixing and blending adventures! “I’ve always felt that being self-taught is not an easy thing and creating art is even harder! In my art journey, there are both joys and challenges. I’ve learned things through trial and error and realized that the ups and downs of my art work are nutrition for my creative process and nourishment for my life.” Mix It Up Watercolor Set With this set of six colors, you can mix your choice of bright, light or dark tones. Creating new blends that run from cool to warm brings out a sense of drama and artistry in your watercolor work. For example, to make atmospheric purples, mix varying ratios of French Ultramarine with Cobalt Blue Violet. Add Lunar Black to create a deeper shade of purple.
● French Ultramarine
● Cobalt Teal Blue
● Pyrrol Scarlet
● Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue
● Cobalt Blue Violet
● Lunar Black


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always DANIEL Violet deeper nourishment