The Devil's Door is Open Children shouldn't be forced to accept body modification, being a gender of some or what are you today and what will you be tomorrow. Parents have the rights to their children and have the say.


The Devil's Door is Open Children shouldn't be forced to accept body modification, being a gender of some or what are you today and what will you be tomorrow. Parents have the rights to their children and have the say.


532 円 (税抜き)

This book is not to down anyone for what or how they want to live their life but, how it becomes a problem when they want to involve children. Forcing one's desire on how people want to be is not the business of children especially without the consent without their parents. Everyone is intitled to their life and should be mindful, considerate and thoughtful of people or children that's not like them. Children have a right to a childhood free from the burdens of adult concerns. Engaging them in conversations that are not age-appropriate can have negative effects on their emotional, psychological, and social development.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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