The Cup and The Falcon


The Cup and The Falcon


640 円 (税抜き)

Enter Synorix (looking round). Singing ceases. Synorix. Pine, beech and plane, oak, walnut, apricot, Vine, cypress, poplar, myrtle, bowering-in The city where she dwells. She past me here Three years ago when I was flying from My Tetrarchy to Rome. I almost touch’d herー A maiden slowly moving on to music Among her maidens to this TempleーO Gods! She is my fateーelse wherefore has my fate Brought me again to her own city?ーmarried Sinceーmarried Sinnatus, the Tetrarch hereー But if he be conspirator, Rome will chain, Or slay him. I may trust to gain her then When I shall have my tetrarchy restored By Rome, our mistress, grateful that I show’d her The weakness and the dissonance of our clans, And how to crush them easily. Wretched race! And once I wish’d to scourge them to the bones. But in this narrow breathing-time of life Is vengeance for its own sake worth the while, If once our ends are gain’d? and now this cupー I never felt such passion for a woman. [Brings out a cup and scroll from under his cloak. What have I written to her? [Reading the scroll.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
お待ち tetrarchy Tetrarch breathing vengeance