Stay Relevant to Stay Profitable Service Transformation Strategies to Grow Your Customers in Unprecedented Times


Stay Relevant to Stay Profitable Service Transformation Strategies to Grow Your Customers in Unprecedented Times


4,313 円 (税抜き)

Service transformation is about ensuring that you stay relevant to your consumers. The world is seeing unprecedented change and your customers are also changing alongside this. How do you stay relevant to them so that they stay loyal to you? Whether it is technological disruption or the Covid-19 pandemic that has engulfed communities across the globe, businesses are being forced to take a closer look at how they survive, thrive, and generate new value. If history has taught us anything, it is that discontinuity is a part and parcel of the business cycle. The first part of the book provides a macro perspective. What are the trends that are going to have significant impact on consumption in the years to come? In tandem, it explores concepts like customer satisfaction and using data. The second part of the book is about zooming in and details putting transformation initiatives in place through a framework (Explore, Engage and Expand) that looks at the key components of embarking on transformation. For example, understanding customers and their service journeys. How do you write the brief in a way that allows fresh ideas? How do you test ideas before investing capital in production? What are some of the considerations before you can roll out or scale your new idea. Finally, the third part of the book focuses on the core of creating a strong and sustainable business. This includes understanding customer's expectations, ensuring you deliver what is promised, understanding where the service processes fail and the role that leadership and culture play in building a business that is able to change with adapt to changing times. Contents: Foreword Praise for the Book Acknowledgements Preface The Times They Are A-Changing: Why Service Transformation Now? Managing through the Age of Technological Change Stay Relevant... Zooming Out The Macro Perspective: The Acceleration of Trends: Digital Transformation The Migration of Enterprise Value Conscious Consumption & Sustainability Connected Retail Stay Relevant... Your Customers Are Your Lifeline. Do You Know If They Are Satisfied?: Why Customer Satisfaction Matters Keeping Customers Satisfied is Good for Your Business How to Measure Customer Satisfaction Comparing Customer Satisfaction Score and Net Promoter Score The Impact Analysis The Value of Negative Customer Feedback The Service Recovery Paradox The True Non-Complaint Rate Stay Relevant... Make Evidence-Based Customer-Focused Decisions: Data: The New Goldmine What Is Data Analytics? From Data to Consumer Insights Data Personalisation and the Delicate Balance But Remember... Even Small Businesses Can Benefit from Big Data Stay Relevant... Zooming In Implementing Service Transformation Projects: Customer-Centric Service Transformation: Service Transformation is a Journey Punctuated Equilibrium The Double Diamond Process Divergent Phase Convergent Phase The Importance of Divergence and Convergence Triple E Transformation Framework Stay Relevant... The Explore Phase: Step 1 ー What Has Changed? Two Key Business Threats Four Trajectories of Industry Change Is Your Company Ready for Change? Understanding Your Customers Using Market Research versus Design Research Customer Journey Mapping Stay Relevant... The Engage Phase: Designing Ideas Why Testing Prototypes is Important I like, I Wish, What If Stay Relevant... The Expand Phase ー From Innovation to Implementation: Feasibility Commercial Viability Pilot Your Project Scaling Your Innovation Why is There a Chasm? How to Overcome the Chasm Scaling Bottlenecks Conclusion Stay Relevant... STRATEGIC CORE Leadership, Brand and Culture: Live Up To Your Customer (and Brand) Promise: Are You What You Say You Are? Understanding Customer Expectations The Gap Model of Service Quality Stay Relevant... Transformational Leadership: The Importance of Leadership in Service Transformation If You Want Satisfied Customers, Focus On Your Internal Company Culture Breaking Down Silos ー Building a Culture of Collaboration Building Trust The Three Pillars of Trust Focus on Service Excellence A Model for Service Excellence The Service Profit Chain Leading for Agility Stay Relevant... Conclusion About the Author Readership: Business owners, practitioners, leaders of organizations or service excellence teams, business schools teaching courses on customer service/marketing/management. Key Features: Whilst digital transformation has been a major topic for many books, there is actually less discussion on the implication on the impact of this on how an organization delivers service. With more digitalization, consumers are also changing, their consumption habits are changing and their expectations for service are also changing. This book adopts a customer centric approach to service transformation Whilst many practitioners know that they need to look at service transformation, they often don't know where and how to start. This book provides them with a framework for approaching service transformation. Whilst meant for practitioners, it does draw on several academic concepts and makes these concepts simple for practitioners to understand The Covid-19 pandemic threw many businesses, who were caught off guard, into a state of flux. We can also expect that more and more business discontinuities will happen in the future. This book also discusses how to build a strong and sustainable core for your business that can thrive during these fast-changing times 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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