The Unwinding: Gin's Story


The Unwinding: Gin's Story


494 円 (税抜き)

Award-winning writer Juliana Rew begins a new science fiction/fantasy epic spanning space and time. Virginia Sun-Jones would be the first to tell you that riding on a Korean water dragon through the cosmos is not for everyone. But ever since the Unwinding scattered her family, she's followed a trail of clues, hoping to find them. Gin can't shake the feeling that the universe has a personal interest, as she discovers special quantum abilities and ventures away from the tiny haven of Earth. With the aid of the time-traveling Watchmen, she fights a despotic galactic emperor seeking to destroy our universe. Gin's Story is an exciting mystery adventure full of twists, disappointments, and triumphs.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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