Downsizing In Later Life A Simple Ways To Cleans Up Your Home And Heart To A Happier Life | Things To Save, Things To Let Go Of For Big And Small Life Transitions


Downsizing In Later Life A Simple Ways To Cleans Up Your Home And Heart To A Happier Life | Things To Save, Things To Let Go Of For Big And Small Life Transitions


800 円 (税抜き)

The art of downsizing is getting to the point where you have just enough; a point of sufficiency and satisfaction.This book focuses on the emotional side of downsizing. It is not about the practicalities of sorting and selling and donating, but how it feels to do all that, to get rid of your children's favorite toys, even if your children now are forty years old with their own children. How it feels to discard years' worth of pictures of family vacations, holidays, celebrations.This book contains:Unpack your connection with sentimental thingsConquer clutterDecrease household contents, debt, and stressCreate a budget that will serve you for lifeFree up space, time, and resourcesGet out of storage for goodReinvent and revitalize your homeRedecorate with resonanceDownsizing brings forward the voices of elders so that older adults, their families and friends, and practitioners working with older clients can understand and benefit from their experience.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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celebrations household Redecorate satisfaction revitalize