A Medic's Mind Love, Loss, And All Things In Between


A Medic's Mind Love, Loss, And All Things In Between


3,406 円 (税抜き)

The book is a memoir. Quoting the editor below - I am honored to have been offered this poignant series of glimpses into the vivid, complex, multifaceted and above all, courageous life of a man whose fortitude in battling the demons of quotidian existence have lent a touch of the epic to the ostensibly ordinary. Beginning with an expansive view of the magnificent Canadian Rockies, his prismatic, lush descriptions zoom in on the paradoxically painful joys and the whimsical sorrows of a small-town boy with a difficult family life. From there on his metaphors-both wildly funny and wistfully tender draw you into his journey of tragicomedy, trauma and ultimately, healing.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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whimsical magnificent descriptions existence paradoxically