Finding My Professional Heart A brief guide to compassionate care and mindfulness for practitioners


Finding My Professional Heart A brief guide to compassionate care and mindfulness for practitioners


850 円 (税抜き)

Finding My Professional Heart is a short e-book by the author of the highly regarded Developing Reflective Practice. It provides a guide to compassion and mindfulness for health and social care students and practitioners and a roadmap for developing compassionate practice. Drawing on both neuroscientific research and the contemplative traditions, the book argues that compassion is not a competency that can be trained, but a way of practising care that can be cultivated and nurtured. It attempts to inspire the reader to become a compassionate practitioner by: Giving an overview of the concept of compassion that encompasses modern as well as ancient perspectives. Considering some ideas on how to become compassionate and discussing the enemies of compassion. Providing a small sample of scientific research into compassion and presenting an overview of a neuroscience-based model of compassion. Exploring the links between mindfulness and compassion. Providing some guidelines and a roadmap for cultivating a compassionate outlook and approach. Offering a set of meditations and practices that can be used along the way. At the heart of health and social care is a healing encounter between people, and this book aims to put compassion and humanity back at the centre of care.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Considering traditions guidelines attempts practising