Avoiding the Extinction of Humanity A Practical Plan


Avoiding the Extinction of Humanity A Practical Plan


567 円 (税抜き)

If you are driving off a cliff, someone telling you to slow down isn't much of a help. (Well, slowing down while you turn in a new direction is likely to be a good idea.) By burning fossil fuels, humanity is now driving itself off a climate cliff toward extinction. We need to completely stop burning "stuff" (fossil fuels, or anything else) for energy. Yet to thrive we really do need lots of energy-in fact, even more than we now are using. This book shows how we can meet both these needs by creating a new infrastructure where existing technologies work far better. Not only will we get all our energy at less than one tenth the cost per kilowatt-hour, we will speed up long-distance transportation at least tenfold, plus give everyone a chance to enjoy space travel. And that is just the beginning.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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