That Time Rocco Acquiesced to Running Away with His Girlfriend’s Hot Little Sister (Part 1) The Rocco Strangeways Erotic Adventures


That Time Rocco Acquiesced to Running Away with His Girlfriend’s Hot Little Sister (Part 1) The Rocco Strangeways Erotic Adventures


150 円 (税抜き)

Rocco Strangeways isn't trying to get into all the trouble he gets into. He's not trying to bonk this girl or that girl. Or spluge on this lady or that lady. He's just like you and me. Trying to get through life. Trying to be a good person. Trying not to bonk every hot babe he sees. But sometimes these things just happen. Like that dingy Dr. Phil says, "It is what it is." Rocco Strangeways is what he is. A bonker. As time unraveled, so did much of whatever it was that first drew Rocco to his first significant relationship Hannah, as they entered the latter years of what would be a short union. Although Hannah was never an overly jealous woman, actually quite permissive, and at times, even encouraging Rocco in his extra-marital wanderings, all of these wanderings seem to come at a cost. One of these wanderings was actually at the insistence of both Hannah and Hannah's mother, who was also Rocco's father's ex-girlfriend Naomi, which led to a rather extended affair entitled That Time Rocco Acquiesced To Running Away With His Girlfriend's Hot Little Sister (Part One).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sometimes Hannah jealous Sister actually