J.D. to J.D. My Journey from Juvenile Delinquent to Doctor of Jurisprudence


J.D. to J.D. My Journey from Juvenile Delinquent to Doctor of Jurisprudence


1,247 円 (税抜き)

In this funny and insightful memoir, Brian Caplan takes us on his journey from a reckless and self-centered juvenile delinquent to a respected and empathetic member of the legal profession. Brian recalls his early days of shockingly poor judgment and shares how he learned from his experiences to make the seemingly insurmountable leap from first being arrested at age twelve, to today representing some of the bigger names in the entertainment industry as a prominent litigator. Growing up in the center of gritty 1970s New York City, Brian was on a troubled path, destined to fade into oblivion or end up in jail or worse. Brian eventually found his way; a born risk-taker, Brian capitalized on a few lucky opportunities that came to him and parlayed them into a fulfilling career far removed from his childhood fate. In this tale of redemption and second chances, Brian shares the lessons he learned during his journey, infusing optimism and a sense of hope to all those who hear his story.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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juvenile profession respected empathetic delinquent