Leghorn Fowls - Exhibition and Utility - Their Varieties, Breeding and Management


Leghorn Fowls - Exhibition and Utility - Their Varieties, Breeding and Management


1,122 円 (税抜き)

This book contains a detailed treatise on 'Leghorn Fowls' used for exhibition and utility. This text attempts to provide information of interest and value to every lover of this most popular fowl. The chapters - which deal with each of the different varieties - have been written mainly with the idea of educating the beginner and offering them informative text for both pleasure and profit. The chapters of this book include: 'Introduction', 'The White', 'The Brown', 'The Black', 'The Buff', 'The Blue', 'The Duckwing', 'The Pile', 'The Cuckoo', 'The Exchequer', 'The Other Varieties', 'A Leghorn Glossary', 'Exhibiting', 'The Standards', and 'The Leghorn as a Utility Fowl'. This text has been elected for modern republication due to its educational value, and is proudly republished here complete with a new introduction on poultry farming.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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detailed Exchequer beginner Introduction attempts