My Cowboy Life: Four Historical Romance Novellas


My Cowboy Life: Four Historical Romance Novellas


435 円 (税抜き)

The Overweight Bride & Her Thin Husband - A woman who finds that her mother’s overfeeding causes her weight gain, literally flees to a less than appetizing offer from a farmer in Fresno, who turns out to be rail thin and as stubborn as a mule about certain things PLUS The Strong English Woman & The Outlaw In Arizona - A mail ordered bride expects to be met at the railway station by her intended but he’s nowhere to be found PLUS One Heart For Love - A woman from England, missing an arm because of a birth defect, takes a chance on love to go out west and possibly marry a man with one leg PLUS Orphaned Grace, Child Of God - An abused orphan is turned out onto the streets of New Your City after reaching 18 and rapidly falls prey to some devious souls who roam the streets looking for lost and lonely women.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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