Lost In the Jungle of Love: Four Historical Romance Novellas


Lost In the Jungle of Love: Four Historical Romance Novellas


428 円 (税抜き)

Finding The Key To Love In The Market Place - A woman has looked after her sick mother for years in Washington DC, but when she comes across a mysterious new booth in the market, she is persuaded to sign up for something that will change her life forever PLUS First Of Her Kind - An upper class young woman in Quebec has a lifelong dream of being the first woman cable car operator in San Francisco; and when she meets a rich American at her debutante party, her dreams are quickly realized. However, it’s a much harsher reality that meets her, both on the job and with her burgeoning love for the man who is winning her heart PLUS Jousting In The New Mexican Desert - A woman’s father sends her off via a matchmaker to a man with a castle in New Mexico PLUS Just a Couple of Married Stonemasons In Italy - this story is about an Englishwoman who is sent to Italy to become the bride of an Italian stonemason, living in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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