Traveling the Long, Dusty Road Home: Four Historical Romance Novellas


Traveling the Long, Dusty Road Home: Four Historical Romance Novellas


436 円 (税抜き)

Emma & The Restoration of a Soldier - A woman with one hand goes west to a mail ordered husband that her father has arranged for her before he died. On the train she meets up with a group of Civil War injured soldiers and one special young man who becomes a friend PLUS A Rough Hewn Cowboy - A woman decides to become a mail order bride but goes west under subterfuge ? she already has a man lined up even though she will be supposedly matched up with a cowboy by the company who is paying her way PLUS Five Sisters And Two Bachelors Along The Oregon Trail ? Anything can happen... PLUS Irene Jumps From One Life To Another - A prostitute from Liverpool decides to try for a new life in America by becoming a mail order bride to a sheriff in Texas, but both the man who escorts her there and her life when she meets her future husband, are a far cry from what she thought they would be.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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