When the Apple Blossoms Return In the Spring: Four Historical Romance Novellas


When the Apple Blossoms Return In the Spring: Four Historical Romance Novellas


437 円 (税抜き)

Making A Home With The Horse Taming Cowboy In Arizona - A governess from England arrives on American soil and finds out that she has been fired by the couple she works for PLUS Man Alone - A woman from England decides to get out of London and seek a husband in California and after corresponding with a cowboy, makes her way there PLUS Mattie & Sam’s Story - An overweight woman is sent out west to a man she doesn’t know, because her family has arranged it all. He’s wealthy, reclusive, and mysterious and the woman must learn how to take care of his ranch in two weeks, or else she thinks he will send her packing PLUS Out For Adventure In London, But Kidnapped To New Orleans - An upper class woman out for a night of adventure in London, is kidnapped and taken by ship, along with a lot of other women, to become mail order brides to a group of men waiting for them in New Orleans.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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