Helping Our Principal's Wife With Her Compulsive Exhibitionism The Rocco Strangeways Erotic Adventures


Helping Our Principal's Wife With Her Compulsive Exhibitionism The Rocco Strangeways Erotic Adventures


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The Rocco Strangeways Erotic Adventures are a series of naughty little sex tales starring Rocco Strangeways. The thing about Rocco Strangeways is he isn't trying to get into all the shit he gets into. He's not trying to fuck this girl or that girl. Or come on this lady or that lady. He's just like you and me. Trying to get through life. Trying to be a good person. Trying not to fuck every hot babe he sees. But sometimes these things just happen. Like that dingdong Dr. Phil says, "It is what it is." Rocco Strangeways is what he is. A fucker. At age 18, Rocco was still relatively new to the world of sex, partially because of his religious upbringing, and partially because Rocco didn't like applying himself, in anything, even things as instantly rewarding as sex. However, with his very pleasing looks, and his very pleasing 11-inch cock, erotic adventures were almost an inevitability, including an experience alongside his best friend Beatle, with their principal's compulsive exhibitionist wife, entitled Helping Our Principal's Wife With Her Compulsive Exhibitionism.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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sometimes pleasing series Adventures friend