Breeding with the Forest Keeper


Breeding with the Forest Keeper


324 円 (税抜き)

In a world where the inhuman creatures still roamed, and mortals feared what lurked in the dark, small tales of the two mingling are carried out every day. In this particular tale, a woman that dwelled within a small village surrounded by dense forests had a secret that she had to keep from everyone else. Her lineage was that of witches, those who made a pact with a creature that kept to the woodlands as its guardian, sworn to an oath that was necessary so that those who lived in the village could survive in peace. Alexia was her name, a young woman who’d only recently married her husband when the Calling started. It was an irresistible urging that filled her with the desire to bore a child borne of man, woman, and the forest itself. Unable to escape the promise of her ancestors, as her mother and all others before her had been unable to, she could only submit to her fate. The question was thus: could her heart remain loyal to her husband even as something inhuman had its way with her for the sake of producing a child? Or would her heart be ensnared and her married vows forgotten entirely?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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お待ち mingling ensnared forgotten surrounded