The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography


The Making Of A Novelist An Experiment In Autobiography


300 円 (税抜き)

The Making Of A Novelist is an autobiography by David Christie Murray. Murray was an English journalist, who also wrote fiction. Excerpt: "I wrote three small-type columnsーthree columns of leaded minionーabout that execution, describing everything I had seen with a studied minuteness. Dawson was nervous about the whole affair, and, whilst the copy was yet in the hands of the printer, asked two or three times what had been done with the theme. He was kept at bay by the subeditor, who scented a sensation, and was afraid that the editor-in-chief might cut the copy to pieces. Dawson was purposely kept waiting for proofs so long that at last he went home without seeing them; and he often spoke to me afterwards of the rage and anguish he felt when he opened the paper at his breakfast-table and found that great mass of space devoted to the report of an execution. He began, so he told me, by reading the last paragraph first; then he read the paragraph preceding it; and next, beginning resolutely at the beginning, found himself compelled to read the whole ghastly narrative clean through. The machine was at work all day to supply the local demand for this particular horror, and Mr. George Augustus Sala wrote specially to ask who was the author of the narrative. I began to think my fortune made."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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