Essays of an Americanist I. Ethnologic and Arch?ologic. II. Mythology and Folk Lore. III. Graphic Systems and Literature. IV. Linguistic


Essays of an Americanist I. Ethnologic and Arch?ologic. II. Mythology and Folk Lore. III. Graphic Systems and Literature. IV. Linguistic


430 円 (税抜き)

Essays of an Americanist by Daniel G. Brinton is a collection of scholarly essays that delve into various aspects of American culture and history, including ethnology, archaeology, mythology, folk lore, graphic systems, literature, and linguistics. Brinton's extensive knowledge and keen analysis make this work an invaluable resource for researchers and enthusiasts of American studies.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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