An Agreement Among Gentlemen


An Agreement Among Gentlemen


652 円 (税抜き)

Edward Munrow has had a change of circumstance. Going from being a gentlemen of few means to being a wealthy land owner in less than a day is difficult enough to imagine, but being blackmailed into a marriage he doesn't want is too much. To hold his own against the blackmailer, Monrow negotiates for a hostage of sorts, the son of the woman he's bound to marry. Munrow's plan goes astray only when he's too deep into his revenge to back out. But how on earth will his manage his life when he finds he's fallen for his hostage, the tool of his revenge? And there's the complication of his lover -- not to mention his bride to be, who is smarter then he expected.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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