Grace in the Covenants


Grace in the Covenants


403 円 (税抜き)

Do you know the rules of the game? Most football fans are avid supporters, who are experts at the rules of the game. Soccer; AFL, Rugby, Basketball, it doesn’t matter what the game is, the fans argue and discuss the umpire’s decisions until the next match. They love their game, and they know the rules! What about the Church? Do you know the rules? If you are like most Christians, you don’t know the rules. To make matters worse, you don’t even know what game you are playing. Our enemy, Satan, has done such a good job on Modern Christianity and the Church, if you ask them: “What game are you playing?” The chances are you will get bewildered stares. God’s game is Covenant. Covenant always was, and always will be the rules of the game. It’s an ancient concept to rescue a person in a hopeless situation, death is on the doorstep. He has rebelled against the King. His King desires that this man should live, and the King offers him a Covenant. It’s like throwing a life preserver to a drowning man. The Covenant has rules that must be obeyed, for it is in this way the man shows love to his King. They seal the Covenant with a sacrifice, which is why Jesus died on the Cross. Jesus died as a substitutionary sacrifice, but He also died as a sacrifice sealing our Covenant. This is the Everlasting Covenant that exists between each individual Christian and God. The Covenant is a harsh Concept, and Hyper-grace Christianity would be horrified if it found out. The Covenant is tough, for its rules demand that covenant breakers must die. The book of Romans says: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Judgment and Grace together, but it is grace that triumphs if the man loves his King, the King Jesus. Love of the King is the key to Covenant. So, they are the rules, God’s unchanging rules. How then does knowledge about the Covenant help the everyday Christian? First and foremost, it will benefit your relationship with God. Covenant helps you understand why a God does things in a certain way. It also allows you to see why a God will, and will not, do certain things. God’s nature is revealed in His Covenant, so It helps us understand just Who He is. Finally, one of the most practical things about Covenant, is that it gives you the rules of the game. With them you will be able to measure any new theology, and measure it against the rules.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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