The Culinary Crescent A History of Middle Eastern Cuisine


The Culinary Crescent A History of Middle Eastern Cuisine


2,665 円 (税抜き)

The Fertile Crescent regionーthe swath of land comprising a vast portion of today’s Middle Eastーhas long been regarded as pivotal to the rise of civilization. Alongside the story of human development, innovation, and progress, there is a culinary tradition of equal richness and importance. In The Culinary Crescent: A History of Middle Eastern Cuisine, Peter Heine combines years of scholarship with a personal passion: his knowledge of the cookery traditions of the Umayyad, Abbasid, Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal courts is matched only by his love for the tastes and smells produced by the contemporary cooking of these areas today. In addition to offering a fascinating history, Heine presents more than one hundred recipesーfrom the modest to the extravagantーwith dishes ranging from those created by the “celebrity chefs” of the bygone Mughal era, up to gastronomically complex presentations of modern times. Beautifully produced, designed for both reading and cooking, and lavishly illustrated in color throughout, The Culinary Crescent is sure to provide a delectable window in the history of food in the Middle East.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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