Chapters From A Floating Life The Autobiography of a Chinese Artist


Chapters From A Floating Life The Autobiography of a Chinese Artist


606 円 (税抜き)

Shen Fu, writer and painter, who was a native of Soochow, was born in 1763 and died sometime alter 1809. His father was by profession a secretary to magistrates, and Shen Fu was apprenticed in the same profession. Shen held various posts as a secretary, but he also worked by turns as a teacher and merchant. Although he had a studio in Soochow for a time he found that he could not make a living out of his paintings and for much of his life was miserably poor. He was sustained by his beloved wife Ch'en Yun, who died in 1803 after twenty-three years of marriage, and he movingly commemorates their mutual devotion in his enchanting biography.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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