From the Incubator to the Kingdom The Story of a Young Man’S Journey to Fulfill His God-Given Purpose


From the Incubator to the Kingdom The Story of a Young Man’S Journey to Fulfill His God-Given Purpose


468 円 (税抜き)

This book was written to share the story of a young mans desire to fulfill his God-given purpose. This journey puts on display the fragileness of his life that began in his childhood, which reveals traumatic experiences like homelessness and being blood poisoned as well as physical and emotional abuse. It also shows how he chose, through his incredible desire and determination, not to quit or allow those difficulties to define his life but chose to let his faith in God be the bridge that transforms him. Through it all, he learns the value of pushing past the pain to pursue his God-given purpose. He has realized that everyone that reaches greatness in God will experience measure of challenges, but he has also grown to realize the key to overcoming many of lifes troubles can be turned around in a positive way by possessing the proper perspective that releases ones potential that provides the energy to be persistent in pursuing your purpose.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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everyone possessing challenges perspective physical