Saved by the Billionaire 2: Threatened by the Past (A gritty erotic romance)


Saved by the Billionaire 2: Threatened by the Past (A gritty erotic romance)


335 円 (税抜き)

Amanda is sure she has found love at last after her night of passion with Blake. When he backs off, telling her he doesn’t want to take advantage of her, she is heartbroken and makes plans to leave him. But when Amanda is abducted by a man from her past, will Blake realize what he has lost? And will he be able to rescue her before it is too late? Warning: This short story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
お待ち クリック advantage contains explicit