Lady Fiction Versus a Dubious Backstory (and Hosts of Ghosts)


Lady Fiction Versus a Dubious Backstory (and Hosts of Ghosts)


567 円 (税抜き)

This is a story about America. Also about Lady Fiction, a robot of GRACE and POISE who solves CRIMES. Robots do not dream of destiny, and yet she dreams. She dreams of finding American Hero, of bringing her back to save an America on the ragged edge of being eaten up by God's own chaos. She dreams of a series of Pintos, left wrecked, mangled, and exploded across amber waves of grain and majestic purple mountains. She dreams of befriending serial killers and quieting ghosts, and eating trash from a thousand dumpsters to fuel her stomach furnace. She dreams of waking gods and putting others down. She dreams of facing off the Devil and forcing her to change her crooked ways. But all dreams lie. So does Lady Fiction. Entropy wins. All you can do is steal a few moments from it.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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ragged dumpsters America moments series