Living with Kundalini The Autobiography of Gopi Krishna


Living with Kundalini The Autobiography of Gopi Krishna


3,200 円 (税抜き)

The complete autobiography of a kundalini master and one of the most influential texts on spiritual awakeningーnow expanded with new material This classic first-person account of spiritual awakening was first published under the title Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Manーhere expanded with two-thirds new material drawn from the author's writing to make a complete autobiography. Gopi Krishna was an ordinary Indian householder who, at the age of thirty-four, after years of unsupervised meditation, suddenly experienced the awakening of kundalini during his morning practice. The story of this transformative experience, and the author's struggle to find balance amid a variety of powerful physiological and psychic side effects, forms the core of the book. His detailed descriptions of his dramatic inner experiences and symptoms such as mood swings, eating disorders, and agonizing sensations of heatーand of how, with the help of his wife, he finally stabilized at a higher level of consciousnessーmake this one of the most valuable classics of spiritual awakening available.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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detailed consciousness kundalini powerful valuable