Give Yourself a Sensational Wedding Rehearsal


Give Yourself a Sensational Wedding Rehearsal


749 円 (税抜き)

For the cost of this inexpensive book, couples may lead their own wedding rehearsal thoroughly for premium results. Have them declare, "That ceremony was so you -- the best ever." In this, the second volume of the Sensational Wedding Series, veteran Wedding Officiant Ray Cross reveals inside secrets to sensational ceremonies. Your means to a skilled and fun rehearsal with your wedding party. Table of Contents Chapter 1: ? Rehearsal Issues for Planning Chapter 2: ? Rehearsal Procedure Assembly Hands Position Standing So As Not To Faint Recessional Processional The Importance of the Processional Processionals Are Anticipatory Entry Requirements Walking in a Ceremony Bridesmaids’ Conference Lining Up for the Processional Processional Start Cue Processing in Pairs Bride’s Position during Rehearsal Standing to Honour the Bride Help Children Succeed Re-Assemble and Repeat Chapter 3: ? Ceremony Components Giving of a Bride About Reading the Ceremony Maid of Honour’s Role Mimic Ceremony Actions Rings Add-On Ceremonies Signing Turning to Leave Announcements Introduction of the Couple Chapter 4: ? Ushering Chapter 5: ? Have it Your Way Addendum: Rehearsal Checklist画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Importance Succeed skilled Children reveals