The Monster Inside Me (A BDSM Tale)


The Monster Inside Me (A BDSM Tale)


211 円 (税抜き)

My urges and cravings were getting stronger and more powerful every day. Although I still looked at her with love and devotion, my view was becoming slanted and I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to make her beg and scream. I wanted her to serve me; mind, body, and soul. I simply cannot fight the compulsion to rule over her any longer. Warning: Highly explicit sexual content and BDSM practices. Her modesty had never allowed her to take a compliment properly. Something in me snapped, and I could feel the base of my neck getting hot. “Do you think I would tell you you’re beautiful if it wasn’t true? Am I not worthy to say such a thing to my own wife?” “Jeez Chris, I’m sorry. I just don’t feel that pretty lately is all.” she replied, taken back by my reaction. Again with her perfect response. I grabbed her abruptly and pulled her into me by the back of her long, perfect locks of thick, brown hair. “You’re hurting me Christopher!” she responded in a strained tone. “Well maybe you need a little pain in your perfect life.” I touted, knowing I was way out of line but driven by an unseen force that was bigger than the both of us. “Christopher, let go of me!” she pleaded as she tried to pull away from me.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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