A Quiet Life: 4 Sweet Romance Novellas


A Quiet Life: 4 Sweet Romance Novellas


321 円 (税抜き)

BOOK 1 - A SILENT YES Kansas 1884 ? Matthias Baker lives on an isolated farm with his brother. Their quiet life is interrupted when a young woman is hastily left in their care. The woman has nowhere else to go and a wedding seems like the obvious solution to avoid impropriety. But Matthias quickly develops feelings that would make a marriage more than a convenient choice. When the preacher arrives before he has the time to work out how she feels about him, it’s unclear to both of them whether or not their marriage is for show. BOOK 2 - A SUDDEN YES Kansas 1885 - Lucy Haid has had an increasingly difficult life. She’d been dreaming of running away for years when a young farmer offers to take her to his remote home. She figures the man only wants a wife to cook and care for his house, but at least he seems kind and honest about it. Lucy jumps at the chance to escape. Even a dull life would be better than the threat looming before her. But her new husband is full of surprises. Is there a chance he’ll actually live up to her fantasies? BOOK 3 - A SIMPLE YES Kansas 1886 - Sam Haid is desperate to take his sister Caroline back to Texas because he feels he abandoned her years earlier. Caroline is afraid of being lonely and wants to bring her friend Ruth along. Ruth longs to go but her father won’t allow her to leave home unless she is married. The answer to everything is completely obvious. Practical even. But will it be as simple as Sam and Ruth believe? BOOK 4 - A SECOND YES Texas 1886 - Caroline Haid’s first marriage was necessary and unpleasant. When her husband died, she promised herself she would never marry again. Now that her brother is willing and able to provide for her, Caroline has no need for a husband. Her promise seems easy to keep. Until Jack Spencer begins to complicate her life. She can’t stop herself from falling in love with him. That love makes her question not only what she needs, but also what she wants. And now Jack is the one looking for an answer.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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impropriety increasingly solution preacher promised