Redefining Normal: A Real World Guide to Raising an Autistic Child


Redefining Normal: A Real World Guide to Raising an Autistic Child


396 円 (税抜き)

'Redefining Normal: A Real World Guide to Raising an Autistic Child' is an amazingly resourceful book. It gives advice to 'newly diagnosed parents' and prepares them for what they are about to face. This book also gives good advice from other autism parents that Brooke Price interviewed asking what the joys of autism are and what advice they wish they would've been given in the beginning. Brooke is a seasoned mother of an severely autistic little boy, she wrote this book hoping to help a newly diagnosed child's family begin to cope with the changes you have to implement better than Brooke's family had. She wants to help the parents understand the medical terms they are going to be hearing and the tests that may be preformed. She touches on the extremely unfortunate events and important topics and debates. Your eyes will really be opened after you read this book. Go ahead and read Redefining Normal. You will learn something you didn't know about autism disorder.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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