Kundalini The Mother of the Universe


Kundalini The Mother of the Universe


399 円 (税抜き)

In India there are Yogis who perform such marvelous feats that Doctors, Scientists and Chemists are unable to solve them, and I may say, are unable to understand them. For instance, such feats, as lying down upon blazing logs of fire; walking over red hot fire that has been especially prepared by burning ten tons of wood,ーtwenty men walked over this without a burnーnot even a hair on their feet; also feats of levitation, walking on water, etc., equally as astonishing. I have received many letters asking: "How can that be done?" The answer is, they always do this through the Kundalini (The Divine Mother) by awakening her from her sleep, for then any one can have supernatural powerーthis is her gift with unfoldment.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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