The Portable Museum An Electronic Collection of Literature in Translation


The Portable Museum An Electronic Collection of Literature in Translation


399 円 (税抜き)

In The Portable Museum, readers will discover extraordinary and unexpected short stories by some of the best authors from Spain and Latin America: Hebe Uhart brings her astute observational skills and dry humor to bear on the world of academia in provincial Argentina in "The Event Planner." "The Boarding House," by Uruguayan cult favorite Mario Levrero, chronicles a young man's search for independence in prose as labyrinthine and strange as his quirky, and sometimes unsettling, home. **Javier S?ez de Ibarra'**s "The Gift of the Word" skillfully weaves a common thread through the stories of a mother-to-be, a fifth-century religious hermit, a deceitful husband, Franz Kafka, and more. In "Conversation by the Pond," Dany Salvatierra infuses the tale of a severely dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship with his delightfully dark humor, while Juan Villoro's "Mariachi" brings readers along on a Mexican folksinger's hilarious misadventures in European indie filmmaking as he attempts to escape his fate as a national stereotype.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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unexpected folksinger stereotype national discover