Death To The Honeybees


Death To The Honeybees


532 円 (税抜き)

Whether raising honeybees as a hobby or as a business, it is always enjoyable to sit to the side of a hive and watch the comings and goings of the worker bees. On sunny days one can watch these beautiful little golden balls of light fly in the entrance with their loads of nectar and pollen. It’s always fascinating to see the different colors of pollen: yellow, red, orange, brown or rarely a mix of color. Occasionally, you will look down at your shoulder and one of the girls will be there, resting before she flies in the entrance. After a couple of minutes, she will leave and fly in the hive. We never tire of watching these wonderful creatures whose product of the hive is beautiful to the eye and a delight to the tongue. However, when it rains, it's as if the sky is shedding tears over the destruction to the earth and to its marvelous array of creatures including the fascinating and much needed honeybees. We will miss them terribly if they should disappear. And they are disappearing in shocking numbers and mankind cannot afford to do without this beneficial insect. Join me as we explore what is happening to the honeybee populations throughout the earth, what the causes might be and what measures, if any, can be taken to prevent the total extinction of this wonderful creature.... “Together we can make a difference and ensure the survival of these much loved and desperately needed creatures….The Honeybees!”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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desperately always yellow terribly survival