Mountain Time A Yellowstone Memoir


Mountain Time A Yellowstone Memoir


2,132 円 (税抜き)

"Mountain Time, a thoughtful and often moving work, is not only about Yellowstone as a superb sample of American wildness, . . . but also about a man named Paul Schullery and his relationship to it. This fact gives the book much richness and power, for Schullery comes across clearly as a caring, observant, undogmatic person whose reasonable and intelligent opinions are reinforced by plenty of facts. In a certain mood, it is possible to wish (vainly) that people of his civilized caliber were the only ones allowed to open their mouths very widely on any subject that really matters, as Yellowstone definitely does."--John Graves, author of Goodbye to a River and From a Limestone Lodge "Paul has pushed outdoor writing to new limits. I pay him the highest compliment I can: I wish I had written Mountain Time."--Lionel Atwill, Sports Afield画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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opinions civilized thoughtful undogmatic observant