淡路島のお香 日本の香り 107 - 白壇(有煙) お線香・アロマ・リラクゼーション・incense・aroma

あわじ島の香司 日本の香りシリーズJapanese incense【カラーハーモニー】

淡路島のお香 日本の香り 107 - 白壇(有煙)  お線香・アロマ・リラクゼーション・incense・aroma



■商品名:日本の香りシリーズ 107 - 白壇
■香司(香りのマイスター):株式会社皿池薫佛堂 皿池 武嗣
●お支払い方法についてメーカー直送品の為、代金引換はご利用いただけません。その他のお支払い方法をお選びください。日本のお線香の70%を生産する淡路島のお線香 日本の香りシリーズ107 - 白壇 (107 - Sandalwood)(有煙)


祈り、くつろぎ、おもてなし  美しき日本の心がここにある 日本の香りシリーズ 107 - 白壇 商品説明
■商品名:日本の香りシリーズ 107 - 白壇
■香司(香りのマイスター):株式会社皿池薫佛堂 皿池 武嗣
■Product name:Japanese Fragrance Series 107 - Sandalwood
■Smoke amount:Out smoke
■Form of incense:Japanese incense(Incense stick)Stick
■Incense Meister:Saraike Kunbutsudo Koho Co., Ltd.Takeshi Saraike
■From incense Meister:An incense with a sweet, fresh, and noble aroma whichyields an untainted smoke to purify your soul.Enjoy this superb incense stick.
■Internal capacity:40g(
※By condition of raw materials preparation, content amount depends on the type of scent.) 日本の香りシリーズ 説明 日本の香りシリーズ今から約160年前の嘉永3年(1850年)に淡路島でお線香が作り始められました。この歴史と伝統に育まれた淡路島のお線香の品質を守り続けているのが香りのマイスターと呼ばれている「あわじ島の香司(こうし)」たちです。香司とは調香から仕上げまでの香り作りにおける全品質を管理し責任を担う人の事です。「日本の香り」シリーズは香司たちが、淡路島のお線香という品質にこだわりと心意気を持って練り上げた香りの自信作です。それぞれの香りが持つ優雅な個性を感じていただき、ゆったりとした時の流れを演出されてみてはいかがでしょうか。Japanese Fragrance SeriesWhether for worship,relaxation or for welcoming guests, Awaji Island incense brings the spirit of Japan into your home.Incense began to be manufactured about 160 years ago, in 1850, on Awaji Island.The Awaji Island Koh-shi, “Incense Masters,” have maintained the quality of Awaji Island incense, which has been cherished throughout its long history and tradition.The Koh-shi have charge of the entire process of incense manufacturing, from the mixing stage to the creation stage, while overseeing the quality of all products.“Japanese Fragrance Series” features 14 varieties of incense created with pride by the 14 Awaji Island Koh-shi, who are committed to maintaining the high quality of traditional Awaji Island incense.Experience the leisurely flow of time while enjoying the elegant fragrance of each variety of incense. お香の楽しみ方
■朝 〜Morning〜ベッドルーム、リビングルーム・・・・・




■昼 〜Afternoon〜職場、学校、書斎・・・・・




■夕 〜Evening〜職場、学校、休憩室・・・・・




■夜 〜Night〜リビングルーム、ベッドルーム・・・・・




■Morning Bedroom, living room .....

Refreshing not wake up with a bad morning

SSmell is directly connected to the brain, it has been said that good to arousal from even sleep to see the fire burn incense.

When the visitor

It may be so that the day begins with a customer of the word "nice smell it."
■Afternoon Workplace, school, study .....

Before work, before class

Why not try to warm the heart with a gentle fragrance of incense when it became a little nervous.

At work, in thought

Is active in the workings of the brain, it might be unexpected idea floats. Popular with writer-artist.
■Evening Workplace, school, break room .....

During the break, tea time

Work, Why not try using your together sweets and incense in the brain that is tired of such study.

Difficulties the meeting, claims processing, too many homework such as

Would you like to try to soothe the mind with incense when you heat up.
■Night Living room, bedroom .....

When returning home, free time

After returning home, Would you like to try to heal the fatigue of day with incense.


Falling asleep is bad, you should smell of incense me invited to gentle sleep when you want to sleep.
※ If you have much continue to use the same scent, it becomes insensitive accustomed to the smell, the effect of the fragrance will be reduced.It is recommended that you use both to suit the situation by choosing several kinds of fragrance in order to prevent it.


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