Amazing!The secret of Hakkoryu Jujutsu Explains its system of accelerated mastery Controls the attacker using a single finger th


Amazing!The secret of Hakkoryu Jujutsu Explains its system of accelerated mastery Controls the attacker using a single finger th

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著者OkuyamaRyuho(監修) MonthlyHIDENeditorialdepartment(編集) KurabeMakotoShiseido(訳)出版社BABジャパン発売日2017年ISBN9784814200603ページ数200Pキーワードあめーじんぐざしーくれつとおぶはつこうりゆうじゆう アメージングザシークレツトオブハツコウリユウジユウ おくやま りゆうほう び−え− オクヤマ リユウホウ ビ−エ−9784814200603目次History of Hakkoryu,i.e.the biography of the founder Okuyama Ryuho,1st Soke/Its sophisticated technical hierarchy and teaching system/To raise your hand as if to scratch your itchy ear/Imagine yourself as a great Buddha statue/Do not resist,then you can realize the techniques/Do nothing except drop yourself with gravity/Open my hand in the Hakko shape/The secret of“pain”/About Kamae(Posturing)/The importance of“fingers”and their strongest direction〔ほか〕


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hierarchy リユウホウ biography techniques ジャパン