On peripheries exploring clause initial (Hituzi linguistics in English)


On peripheries exploring clause initial (Hituzi linguistics in English)


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exploring clause initial Hituzi linguistics in English アナ・カーディナレッティ グリエルモ・チンク ひつじ書房オン ペリフェリーズ カーディナレッティ,アナ チンク,グリエルモ 発行年月:2014年10月 ページ数:341p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784894767225 本文:英文 An Overview of the Cartography of Syntactic Structures in Japanese/The Cartography of Syntactic Structures:Locality and Freezing Effects on Movement/On the Study of Language as a Cognitive Capacity:Results and Perspectives/The Fine Structure of Force:On the Interaction of Modal Particles with Illocutionary Force and Clause Type/The Symmetric Syntax of Japanese Complex Verbs and Slavic Prefixes/Prosodic Signals as Syntactic Formatives in the Left Periphery/On Force vs.Case and Fin vs. Num/Vocatives and Speech Act Projections:A Case Study in West Flemish/Reflexive Binding and the ‘Point of View’ Projections/Case and Labeling in a Language without φーfeature Agreement/Modals Attitudes,and Different Positions for Complementizers in Japanese/Topicalization and Focalization:A Preliminary Exploration of the Hebrew Left Periphery 本 人文・思想・社会 言語学


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Focalization Different Capacity Perspectives Particles