International law an integrative perspectiv


International law an integrative perspectiv


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an integrative perspectiv 村瀬信也 上智大学出版 ぎょうせいインターナショナル ロー ムラセ,シンヤ 発行年月:2011年02月 ページ数:433p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784324090510 本文:英文 1 Perspectives on International Environmental Law(Perspectives from International Economic Law on Transnational Environmental Issues)/2 Trade and Environment(Conflict of International Regimes:Trade and the Environment/International Lawmaking for the Future Framework on Climate Change:A WTO/GATT Model ほか)/3 Unilateral Measures and Opposability(Unilateral Measures and the Concept of Opposability in International Law/Unilateral Measures and the WTO Dispute Settlement ほか)/4 Japan and International Law(Japan and International Law/The MostーFavoredーNation Treatment in Japan’s Treaty Practice during the Period 1854ー1905 ほか) 本 人文・思想・社会 法律 法律


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Practice (Japan Concept (Conflict Settlement