イタリアンベネチアンレッド (Italian Venetian Red) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


イタリアンベネチアンレッド (Italian Venetian Red) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス


1,320 円 (税抜き)

Italian Venetian Red 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600122 Pigment: PR 101 | Series: 1 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Semi-Transparent Staining: 1-Non-Staining Granulation: Granulating Made from pigment mined and mixed in Italy, Italian Venetian Red is redder than most and smolders with a warm intensity. An earthy red-brown leaning towards opaque with sedimentary properties, Venetian Red is great for fall paintings and applications similar to Indian Red. Drop Venetian Red into a wet Lunar Earth wash for exciting results. Venetian Red is non-staining, lifts with some difficulty when dry, but leaves a special warm afterglow when blotted at the damp state.


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Granulating leaves leaning Pigment Venetian